2022 ILCA 6 Women's & Men's World Championships

Dear ILCA District representatives,

I would like to update you about the current situation with 2022 ILCA 6 Women's & Men's World Championships.Originally the event was scheduled and contracted to be held in Qingdao, China on 10-17 October 2022. However, due to the deepening Covid situation in China and its very strict quarantine regulations and restrictions, we agreed with China's organizer that it would be very irresponsible to go on with this event in Qingdao. Therefore the contract was withdrawn.

We have a number of alternative venues we are working with and I am sure we can announce and publish the new venue and time for the event very shortly.What makes the task harder is that we have to consider the charter boat logistics to the venue for ILCA 6 Women's fleet as for them the ILCA charter is mandatory.

Nevertheless, we are close to making an announcement about the new venue and the event dates immediately when the new contract will be signed by the new host.

We are aware how important it is for you and for your sailros to have this information available as soon as possible so you could prepare for the event. We appreciate your patience and we apologize for any inconvenience this situation caused to you.

Still optimistic and I am sure we will have a great event for ILCA 6 Women and Men fleets this year. Please standby for further news!
Kind regards,

Andrus Poksi
International Laser Class Associationandrus@laserinternational.org
+372 503 5030 (Mobile / WhatsApp)